Sun Protection

Properly protecting your skin from the sun is very important for preserving the best skin integrity and minimizing the risks for advanced aging signs and skin cancer as much as possible.

Who Needs It

Everyone needs sun protection. Protection from the sun, prolonged exposure time and repeated instances of exposure can increase risk for skin changes on the cellular level if protection is not provided.

Definition of SPF

SPF is Sun Protection Factor. This is a rating that determines how well the sunscreen deflects the sunrays and is based on how long it takes to get sunburned with sunscreen versus without sunscreen. An SPF of 30 or higher is usually recommended. Some experts recommend sticking to 30 SPF and reapplying frequently. Using high SPF like 60 or more does not give you double protection, and some experts believe can cause skin irritation when applied to sensitive skin.

Nan & Lil
Nan & Lil


Our formulas are composed of antioxidants, micronutrients, vitamins, fatty acids and proteins designed by nature to support, repair, detox and renew skin.

Many sunscreens use a combination of physical blockers and chemical filters. These are agents that block, reflect or deflect the UV sunrays.

Physical blockers work by sitting on top of skin, either reflecting or scattering UV rays. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are physical filters. Zinc oxide can block against both UVA and UVB rays, covering the whole spectrum, while titanium dioxide only delivers protection from UVB rays. Both ingredients work well and are tolerated well, even with sensitive skin.

Chemical sunscreen filters include Avobensone (Parsol 1789), Cinoxate, Ecamsule, Menthyl Anthranilate, Oxybenzone and others.

At L’ATHENE, we recommend sunscreens that include physical filters because they tend to work very well with sensitive skin. The key for any type of SPF is to find one you like, use it and reapply often.

Sun Protection Tips

  • Use an SPF 30 or more sunscreen daily, even on cloudy or rainy days. This should be done whether you are going to be outside or not. Reapply when going outside.
  • Wear protective clothing when you are outside. The more skin that is directly exposed to the sun, the more protection needed. And be aware of reflective surfaces.
  • Avoid the sun during peak hours—generally this is between 10 am and 4 pm regardless of the time of year. These hours are the prime hours for exposure to damaging ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun (even on cloudy days). Seek the shade.
  • With outside activities, apply sunscreen liberally to all areas and reapply as indicated (at least every couple of hours) and more frequently if sweating or in water. Apply 30 minutes before exposure to the sun. Always wear SPF 30 or more.
  • Wear a hat with at least a 2-3 inch brim.
  • Protect your eyes and the skin around your eyes with sunglasses.
  • Protect your lips with a SPF lip balm.
  • Be careful of reflective sun—off snow, water and sand.
Nan & Lil

Skin Cancer Risk

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer and it affects more than two million Americans each year.

Definition of SPF

Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells. It occurs when mutations form in the DNA of healthy skin cells. It usually develops on skin that is exposed to the sun; most commonly on the scalp, face, back, lips, neck, ears, chest, arms, hands and legs. However, it can also develop on areas that are not usually exposed to the sun, like the palms of your hands, the space between your toes, under your toenails and your genital area.

Nan & Lil

Who it Affects

Skin cancer affects all skin tones. All ages can be affected, however skin cancer is less common in children.

Nan & Lil

What to Look for

Evaluate your skin regularly and check your moles with the ABCDE’s of skin cancer. Make an appointment with your doctor if you notice any changes that worry you. Not all changes are cancer, but call your doctor right away if you notice:
A = Asymmetry - each side of the mole looks different
B = Border - irregular, blurry or jagged edges
C = Color - variations of color from one area of the mole to another
D = Diameter - if it is larger than a pencil eraser
E = Elevation - the mole is raised above the surface and has an uneven surface

Types - the three most common

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type and is usually found on face, ears or scalp.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma is the second most common type and also occurs on sun exposed areas like face, scalp, neck, arms, legs and hands. This is a more aggressive type of skin cancer and can invade deeper layers of the skin and fatty tissue.

Melanoma is the least common type of skin cancer and the most serious. It can develop anywhere on the body.

Risk Factors

  • Pale complexion—difficulty tanning, easily sunburned
  • Multiple and/or unusual moles
  • Excessive exposure to sunlight, tanning beds and unprotected skin
  • Sunny or high altitude climates
  • Severe sunburns
  • Family history of skin cancers
  • Weakened immune system—from medical conditions and/or medications
Nan & Lil

Good Diet Tips

A secret to aging well is found in making good choices with your foods.

Choosing foods with anti-aging benefits and avoiding potential age-promoting choices can make a big difference.

Nan & Lil

Eat Antioxidant Foods

Antioxidants play a significant role in anti-aging. These vitamin nutrients from plants help protect the body from the effects of aging and disease. Antioxidants help ‘gobble up’ the free radicals in your body that cause lines, wrinkles, and sun spots. Antioxidant-rich foods are blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, as well as green leafy vegetables.

Avoid Chemicals in Foods

Just like you read the label with your skincare, it is also critical that you read the labels of your food. Many processed foods contain a high level of chemicals. Look for pure foods that are good for the body and the skin and are loaded with nutrients; foods like fruits, whole grain breads and cereals, vegetables and fish. Wash your fruits and vegetables well to remove pesticide residues.

Eat Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These essential fatty acids are ‘good fats’ known for their health benefits such as improving skin health, supporting cardiovascular health, and helping with healthy weight loss. Some Omega-3 rich foods are salmon, sardines, mackerel and herring. Transfats are ‘bad fats’(omega-6 fatty acids) found in all refined vegetable oils and processed foods. Extra virgin olive oil is a great option for cooking and salads.

Nan & Lil

Avoid Sugar

Known as ‘empty calorie foods’, sugar is inflammatory for the body. Inflammatory foods can promote wrinkles, accelerate aging, and increase risk of disease.

Nan & Lil

Drink Lots of Water

It's true… drinking 8 glasses a day does make our bodies function optimally. Did you know that oftentimes when you think you are hungry, you are actually thirsty? So… in between meals, grab a glass of water instead of a snack. Keep a bottle at your desk, in your bag or in your car to remind you to drink plenty of water throughout the day. It's great for your skin as well.

Get Plenty of Rest

So you are exhausted? Don't grab a chocolate bar or a coke to perk you up. Most of us are sleep deprived. We pack our calendars filled with things to do each day, and yet we do not get the rest we need to recharge our bodies. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night to feel refreshed and renewed. You deserve it!

Skin Facts

Interesting and Useful Tips for You

Nan & Lil
  • Skin is the largest organ of the body.
  • Skin grows faster than all other organs. The skin renews itself throughout our lives.
  • You have about 19,000,000 skin cells on each square inch of your body.
  • Always wash your hands before you begin your skincare ritual to decrease the amount of bacteria put on your face
  • Rinse your face with water that is warm, not hot. Hot water can dry out the skin and can cause broken capillaries.
  • Don't scrub, pull or drag your skin. Using forceful pressure on your skin can break capillaries, foster wrinkles and make skin sensitive.
  • Avoid wearing makeup when you exercise. When you exercise and your body heats up, your pores open and the makeup can go in the pores. Later when you cool off and the pores close, the makeup can remain in the pores and can cause breakouts.
  • Watch your stress level. Stress can affect our health as well as our skin. Stress stimulates adrenaline, cortisol and other hormones that can increase blemishes.
  • Eat natural foods like fruit for a snack. Not only will you give your skin some extra Vitamins C and E, your skin will also benefit form the extra water fruit contains.