Reduce the Look of Redness of the Scar on the Face
Starting on a regime of effective daily care is a great way to protect your skin. The SR-3 Skin Rejuvenation Starter Kit is a three-step kit to treat and protect skin in an effective, non-irritating way. First is cleansing the skin twice daily with a good non-detergent cleanser. Next, apply the nutrient serum, thin layer, to entire face and add an extra layer to the scarred area. Antioxidants can help improve the appearance of damaged skin and improve elasticity and tone. Next, follow with the moisturizer to hydrate and protect skin. Add sunscreen last.
Apply NUTRIAGE Total Eye repair Creme - a powerful antioxidant-rich eye creme which boosts the antioxidant level around eyes to improve tone, softness and help correct lines and wrinkles. Also, this nutrient-rich eye creme can help reduce the redness of the scar following eye lid surgery (blepharoplasty).
Below is a link to an example of results following an injury. This woman was burned when the hot wax from her home spa treatment splattered onto her face.
Exfoliate... Those Older Scars
For older scars that are sunken below the skin surface or raised above the surface, gentle exfoliation with MINERAL DERMA-SCRUB stimulates collagen re-building and helps to remove the dead surface cells. A routine of gentle exfoliation and good skin care for 90 days will help you to achieve your best result. If after this time, you desire more changes for your old scar, a physician may be able to recommend collagen injections or laser therapy as a solution. Keep using pure nutrient skin care during these secondary treatments.