L'ATHENE's Skin Education Hub
Lip Lines - 3 Easy Steps to Looking Better (See Products Below)
Have you noticed vertical lines on your top lip? Your lip area can show aging signs. The good news is you can help soften those lines with a few steps, using products that are designed to sink in deep. As an injection-less approach, once you do these simple steps regularly, you will notice a visual improvement.
Our goal with pure nutrient skincare is radiant, well-cared for, beautiful skin—at any age and from any starting point. First, let’s discuss what can cause lip lines and then, we’ll go over the 3 Easy Steps to Better Looking Lips!
What causes Lip Lines?
- Aging – as we age, the skin collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid lessens.
- Smoking – pursing of the lips and the oxidative stress from smoking can form deep creases.
- Sun Exposure – UV damage to the skin can accelerate aging and dehydrated- look of the skin.
- Lack of hydration – in both inside and outside of the body – can cause dry skin, which can make the lip lines look deeper. Plus, not drinking enough water can dry out our cells.
- Using products that are harsh on your skin can strip the skin of precious moisture.
"Recently I was asked, how do you take care of your lips? These are the steps I take that I thought I would share." Lil Bogdan, RN, Co-Founder

Easy Steps to Better Looking Lips
- Exfoliate: Apply a small amount of MINERAL DERMA-SCRUB to your damp face (after cleansing) and gently scrub in small circles all over your face and across your lip area. Be sure to use gentle pressure and scrub for no more than 2 minutes. If it gets dry, apply a dab more cleanser and keep going. Rinse with lots of lukewarm water.
- Treat: First, apply a thin layer of VITAPURE Ultra Antioxidant Nutrient Serum to help boost the collagen and elastin formation to help soften the lines. Next, apply the INTENSIVE WRINKLE TREATMENT across the lip line area. The product has AH-3 Peptide and Hyaluronic Acid that will help to plump up the line area. Allow to absorb. You may notice a slight tingling sensation and your skin may briefly turn a slight pink color – this will dissipate in a few minutes as your skin absorbs the product.
- Hydrate: Once you have finished your treatments, apply a hydrating treatment. Apply liberally your day moisturizer or night crème. If your skin needs a little more of a hydrating boost or you have deeper lip creases, use EXTRACT Hydrating Plant Oil under your moisturizer in the lip area. This will enhance the softening the lip lines by providing more fatty acids.

Additional Tips we recommend:
Use a non-detergent cleanser. Cleansers can be very irritating to the skin because they contain harsh detergent ingredients and that can make the skin drier and more aging-looking.
Wear sun protection.
Choose a chap stick, lip stick or lip balm that works with your lips and try to avoid licking your lips. Also, deep staining lip sticks can be difficult to remove and the action of removing them can be irritating to your lip area.
Be patient and gentle with your skin. It takes time to make a change in a deep crease and harsh scrubbing or really abrasive agents can cause capillaries to break. By following this simple and effective guide… you can have a less-lined lip area. So why wait? Start today and you’ll step into a world of ultimate care.